Thursday, February 19, 2009

Entering a Contest....

This will be my first BIG contest I am doing. I have a VERY good feeling about it. I am praying that my gut is right and I won't feel let down if I don't place like I think I will. This has been such a leap for me. I am putting myself out there to be JUDGED. Scary stuff but exciting too. The exposure will be AWESOME if I win! Not to mention the prizes. The quilt has to be turned in very soon. Once I get it turned it I will post pics and where I entered it.

1 comment:

Funoldhag said...

Good for you, Angie! It's good to take the leap and just jump in and do it. I'm pulling for you! Fifteen years ago I sent a slide of my quilt Blooms in the Night into Paducah and it was juried in. Just to have it juried in was "winning". It won a second place in Amateur Applique and that was an absolute thrill. Five years ago, I had another juried in but it didn't win a prize. However, it was no less of a thrill to see it hanging there with all the other gorgeous quilts. Good luck, Angie. It can happen.