Monday, October 26, 2009

WOW it's been a while.

Soooo. It's been a while since I updated here. The kids started school and LOVE IT! They are having a great time. Matt has been working up in Michigan while I have been holding down the home front. I had a Hysterectomy on Sept 29th. I am feeling pretty good now.

On the horizon......We may be moving to Kansas. Matt got word that is where they are transferring him to. Will the kids and I go with him?? Or stay and finish the school year?? Not sure yet. So much on our plate and we don't have any idea of what to do with it all.

Friday, August 7, 2009

3 weeks til school!


The twins go to KINDY in 3 weeks and counting! They are excited and so am I. What a nice change it will be for us all.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

My 33rd birthday

I turned 33 on July 11th. I got my "birthday storm" so I was very happy. See every year since I was a child it stormed on my birthday. On the very few years it did not storm...those were very bad years for me. So I look forward to stormy weather on my birthday. Last year I didn't get my storm and BOY O BOY was last year rough. So the sounds of thunder waking me up this year was awesome. My husband and kids got me some really cute cards and a cake. My in laws took me out for Mexican dinner. I had to wear the hat and get a loud round of HAPPY BIRTHDAY sang to me. My brother in law had to sit in the car cuz my hat bothered him. He is autistic and things just set him off sometimes. Well the hat did it. It was all good tho, we had a great time. Then the TOPPER I got to throw out the first pitch for out Class A baseball team. THE TINCAPS! To anyone else this may not seem like much. To me it was AWESOME! We love baseball and the TINCAPS are loved by each member of this family like they are the big time. We got every chance we get and cheer them on and live it up. So throwing the first pitch and getting autographed baseballs was the PERFECT gift for me. I felt so special. They even brought a cake down to us.

So that was my day and what a day it was! I had a wonderful birthday and my family is just so good to me. I got some great gifts and cards and just feel so loved and happy. I am the first to say I love a big deal made of my birthday. I am not one who says don't make a fuss. I WANT A FUSS. It's my ONE DAY that is MINE and I love it. SO I got the fuss and I soaked it up.

I have not been sewing much lately. I have been just relaxing and enjoying the last of our summer. My Hubby is going back out of town to work tomorrow. I am glad for it means somewhat normal life is on it's way. I am SAD cuz I hate that he will be gone for the weeks and home on only weekends. The kids are down to a month before they go to KINDY. They are ready and I think I am too. It's bittersweet really. How far they have come from being those fragile babies in the NICU to these big kids. MAN seems like yesterday it really does.

William is still having tummy issues and not gaining weight. I am not sure what we do next. He is still have issues with his right eye as well. So time will tell what if any of this will mean to him in school. I will take it as it comes like we always do.

Angelina is like always.....on target and SASSY! She is so dang smart. Too smart and much of the time getting in trouble for sassing and tattle telling. She has mastered riding her bike and wants to take on skating next. She has sewn her first project and I gave her my own sewing machine. She was thrilled.

Me? I am making bath and body stuff for family and the craft shows coming up. I am thinking of Christmas shows and getting innovatory supplies together and list of what my booth will have. I am thinking of doing two or 3 shows this year and maybe next year doing the flea market in the summer and these shows in the winter. Depends on what the contracts I have pending right now do. I have two for sewing that may tie up my WAHM time. I am letting it all play out and see what happens.

Life is good right now!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So much to do....So little getting done.

I am feeling so BLAH and I need to buck up and get stuff done. This is the part of being a SAHM/WAHM that stinks. When I don't work nothing gets done. I need to finish two quilt by the 23rd deadline and yet I am not feeling motivated. I have so many idea's of products and no desired to explore much of them. I am just so blah.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


HERE SHE IS... My first contest quilt is turned in.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New layout for SPRING!

Here in Michigan we have had a few spring like days...FINALLY! I had to celebrate the moment and change my layout on here. I AM SO READY FOR SPRING!!!! This winter up here kicked my booty! We are hopeful that this will be our ONLY Michigan winter. We put in to go back "home". For us that is Indiana. Those who pray, please pray for us that the transfer comes in soon. We all are homesick and wanna go home. Being up here with no family and in this unstable economy is stressful. So anyway that is the goal in the next 6 months.> Back home in Indiana.

Contest quilt is going very well. Should be all pieced this weekend and I want to turn it in by next week. It's been a blast to design and sew up. I have high hopes for it in the contest. Next on the list is my daughter's quilt. I have half the blocks done for it and I need to finish the rest up and quilt it and bring that to her in Ohio. Then I have my son's to do the same with. After those.... I am sure I will find more to add to my plate, list. ALWAYS have projects to do. The issue seems to be the time to do them all. AHHHHH the creative life of a quilter. Gotta love it.

I got a GREAT chance to do some work for a awesome sewing mama who is writing a book. I am sewing up some of her projects that will be pictured in the book. YAY! I get my name in the credits which to me is worth SO MUCH! It's the little things. Each is a step closer to making this hobby into so much more for me.

The twins start kindergarten in the fall so I have more time to devote to my biz and work on making my dreams for it happen. YAY

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Entering a Contest....

This will be my first BIG contest I am doing. I have a VERY good feeling about it. I am praying that my gut is right and I won't feel let down if I don't place like I think I will. This has been such a leap for me. I am putting myself out there to be JUDGED. Scary stuff but exciting too. The exposure will be AWESOME if I win! Not to mention the prizes. The quilt has to be turned in very soon. Once I get it turned it I will post pics and where I entered it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

PHEW done with orders for a bit.

Got all of them shipped and I am done for a bit. I have SO much to catch up on here at the house. I am working on quilts for my two oldest kiddo's as well. Still working on learning free motion quilting as well. Lot's of projects in the works and not a whole lot to show just yet.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


WHEEEEEE Road map quilt has shipped and my last order I am finishing binding on. It will ship tomorrow. WHEEEEEEEEEEE I am not taking orders for a bit. I need to get caught up on a lot of home stuff and I have a few quilts to do for my kids and some PJ's to make for my hubby and kids as well. Gonna do some fun stuff before taking on more work. I also am working on understanding free motion quilting and setting time each night to work on the motions for that. I still need a extension table to go to far with it. But getting the motions and timing down will help. So I am working on what I can right now. Ya know bloom where your planted and all. That is about all. I am kinda mad at myself I shipped the road map quilt and forgot to get a photo of it. I was just happy to be done and get it shipped. UGH I hope I can get the Mama that orderd it to take one for me. I WILL REMEMBER to get a photo of this one before I pack it tonight to go home.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Got some new DVD's coming!

I am GONNA LEARN free motion quilting if it kills me ( it just might too) But I am determined to learn it. More on that soon. I got the last of my orders to finish up and then some family work to do.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Hope you and yours are safe and healthy. Here's to a better year than the last!
Here are my quilting/sewing goals for 2009:
-Learn free motion quilting and become good at it ( I didn't say awesome..Just good)
-Finish a quilt a month.
-Up my work load/advertise.
-Buy a heat press and perfect my photo quilt products.
-Perfect my two playquilts and market them.
-Be cost effective with my products/research new idea's
-Learn my software better and use it.

Yep lots to work on and try. I love every min of it too!