Friday, January 23, 2009

PHEW done with orders for a bit.

Got all of them shipped and I am done for a bit. I have SO much to catch up on here at the house. I am working on quilts for my two oldest kiddo's as well. Still working on learning free motion quilting as well. Lot's of projects in the works and not a whole lot to show just yet.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


WHEEEEEE Road map quilt has shipped and my last order I am finishing binding on. It will ship tomorrow. WHEEEEEEEEEEE I am not taking orders for a bit. I need to get caught up on a lot of home stuff and I have a few quilts to do for my kids and some PJ's to make for my hubby and kids as well. Gonna do some fun stuff before taking on more work. I also am working on understanding free motion quilting and setting time each night to work on the motions for that. I still need a extension table to go to far with it. But getting the motions and timing down will help. So I am working on what I can right now. Ya know bloom where your planted and all. That is about all. I am kinda mad at myself I shipped the road map quilt and forgot to get a photo of it. I was just happy to be done and get it shipped. UGH I hope I can get the Mama that orderd it to take one for me. I WILL REMEMBER to get a photo of this one before I pack it tonight to go home.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Got some new DVD's coming!

I am GONNA LEARN free motion quilting if it kills me ( it just might too) But I am determined to learn it. More on that soon. I got the last of my orders to finish up and then some family work to do.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Hope you and yours are safe and healthy. Here's to a better year than the last!
Here are my quilting/sewing goals for 2009:
-Learn free motion quilting and become good at it ( I didn't say awesome..Just good)
-Finish a quilt a month.
-Up my work load/advertise.
-Buy a heat press and perfect my photo quilt products.
-Perfect my two playquilts and market them.
-Be cost effective with my products/research new idea's
-Learn my software better and use it.

Yep lots to work on and try. I love every min of it too!