Saturday, March 28, 2009


HERE SHE IS... My first contest quilt is turned in.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New layout for SPRING!

Here in Michigan we have had a few spring like days...FINALLY! I had to celebrate the moment and change my layout on here. I AM SO READY FOR SPRING!!!! This winter up here kicked my booty! We are hopeful that this will be our ONLY Michigan winter. We put in to go back "home". For us that is Indiana. Those who pray, please pray for us that the transfer comes in soon. We all are homesick and wanna go home. Being up here with no family and in this unstable economy is stressful. So anyway that is the goal in the next 6 months.> Back home in Indiana.

Contest quilt is going very well. Should be all pieced this weekend and I want to turn it in by next week. It's been a blast to design and sew up. I have high hopes for it in the contest. Next on the list is my daughter's quilt. I have half the blocks done for it and I need to finish the rest up and quilt it and bring that to her in Ohio. Then I have my son's to do the same with. After those.... I am sure I will find more to add to my plate, list. ALWAYS have projects to do. The issue seems to be the time to do them all. AHHHHH the creative life of a quilter. Gotta love it.

I got a GREAT chance to do some work for a awesome sewing mama who is writing a book. I am sewing up some of her projects that will be pictured in the book. YAY! I get my name in the credits which to me is worth SO MUCH! It's the little things. Each is a step closer to making this hobby into so much more for me.

The twins start kindergarten in the fall so I have more time to devote to my biz and work on making my dreams for it happen. YAY